Jun 11, 20201 min

Lack of Diversity in the Events Industry and how we can make changes.

From the archive: June 12th 2020 shared on LinkedIn.

Back in 2017, I wrote a piece around diversity in the events industry, or more specifically the lack of it. It is eye-opening to me that reading it three years later - nothing has changed - we are still having the same conversation.

I am guilty of taking my foot off the pedal and not pushing hard enough to make real actionable changes. The fact I was able to do that is completely down to my privilege as a white person, who has never faced any discrimination and benefitted from the current status quo.

That is something I am completely committed to changing - to be a real ally and push forward the changes that need to happen.

Go and read the 2017 post, because whilst it may be 3 years old - everything discussed is (sadly) still relevant

What Steps Can We Take Now, in 2020, to really make a change?

  • Understand that white privilege has benefitted us to reach the positions we are in now.

  • Recognise and combat unconscious bias. Introduce training into the company.

  • Look at where you are advertising job opportunities. Do a deep dive into who has applied for roles in the last few years, where you are putting out the information. Expand beyond your current networks.

  • Introduce interview quotes.

  • Talk to kids in schools, not just those at university. Educate young people about the range of amazing roles available in the events industry.

  • Look to the apprenticeship programmes. Consider if you need everyone with a degree?! (answer to that is you don't)

  • Create a culture and environment where employees are able to talk openly about mental health, LGBTQ+, race etc